Support and Resources For Pastors and
Christian Ministry Professionals

Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor

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Topical Directory

ACOA/Codependency Leadership
Antagonism Ministry: Issues And Perspectives
Communication Self-Management
Conflict Systems Theory Insights
Congregational Insight and Ministry Function Links And Resources




 ACOA/ACDF: Pastor

The Pastor As An "Adult Child" --Up to 50% May Be ACDF/ACOA's!

# 27


Thirteen Ways To Recognize The "Adult Child"--In You???

# 53


Dysfunctional Families As Missionaries

# 210


ACOA Strengths For Ministry**(under const)

# 331


 Personal Boundaries (cf. "Self-Management: Self-Differentiation")


Healthy Boundaries And Co-Dependent Extremes

# 57


Ten Commandments Of Dysfunctional Families

# 64

 Pastoral Integrity


The Difference Between The "Real Self" And The "False Self" -- Looking Beyond Those "Facades"*

# 72


Tell Yourself The Truth--Key Insights For Overcoming Self-Blame and Anger Based on Backus' Book

# 73



 Antagonism: Leadership Strategies


Pastoring The Powerful--Strategies For Ministering To Antagonists

# 45

Dealing With Dissenters--When To Stand Up

# 50


Four Types of Antagonistic Manipulators--And How To Deal With Them

# 63


The "Beagle Principle"--Develop A More Constructive, Grace-Based Attitude Toward Antagonists

# 101


Strategies For Countering Antagonism--How To Use Their Strategy To Counter Their Anti-Kingdom Efforts!

# 285


Classic Obstructionist Strategies--And How To Overcome Them

# 291


 Antagonism: Pathology


Coping With Damaged People--What To Do When Antagonists Erupt!

# 114


Are They Crazy??? A Discussion Of Those Undiagnosed "Shadow Syndromes"

# 227

85 Character Disorders--A Tool For Identification And Self-Improvement*

# 231


Dysfunctional Needs Aggravate Conflict

# 300

 Antagonism: Personalities


Is There A Narcissist In The (Lord's) House?--A DSM-IV Based Profile of A Antagonistic Personality

# 70


When Trusted Leaders Become Troubled

# 80


How To Deal With Dr. Jekyl-Mr. Hyde In Your Church

# 81


'Trojan Horse' Transfers--And How To Deal With Them

# 168


Minorities: Alive and Well In The Church--How To Deal With Dissident Groups

# 178


Beware Of The Spiritual Tourists 

# 283 




 Antagonism: Responses (cf. Self-Management)


Knives: The Attacks That Hurt Most

# 83


Don't Kill The Dragons--Tame Them!

# 103


Response To "Don't Kill The Dragons"

# 144


How To Make Antagonists Give Up* (Under Const.)

# 174


Who's In Charge?

# 266


Ministry To The Unrepentant--Should They Be Forgiven?

# 342

 Antagonism: Roots


The Antagonist's Greatest Weapon--Perils of Pastoral Over-Function

# 56


A Recipe For Antagonism

# 60


An Antagonist's Dictionary: What Their Words Really Mean!

# 175


Tyranny Of The Tacit

# 312


Ministry To Fear--Insights From A Dentist

# 319




 Communication: Strategies


Verbal Aikido--A Strategy To Help Ease Conflict

# 123


Five Styles Of Ritual Communication

# 145


Interrogatory Inflection--Change The Way You Speak For A Positive Difference In Your Leadership Style!

# 259




 Conflict: Anxiety Indicators


Subtle Signs Of Impending Conflict--Recognize Trouble Before It Happens

# 37


Dealing With Congregational Anxieties

# 200


Conflict: The "F" Response--What Happened And What You Can Do!

# 203


Further Reflections On The "F" Response

# 206


Surviving The Culture Of Criticism

# 252


When Congregational Anxiety Makes Leaders Anxious

# 340


 Conflict: Consultation/Resources


What To Do When The Conflict Consultant Comes--Helpful Hints

# 31


URL's Of Other Helpful Conflict Articles On The Internet--Including articles by Rick Warren, Peter Steinke, et al!

# 226


 Conflict: Issues

Be-Aware! Parsonage For Sale

# 19

The Issue Is Not The Issue-The Real Causes of Conflict

# 20


Music: Where's The Harmony?--Insights On Your Hymnal Controversy

# 199


Those Libelous Letters--Some Guidelines and Suggestions For Yours

# 188


Dealing With Difficult Letters--How To Deal With A Conundrum

# 248


 Conflict: Leadership Styles

When It's All Out Of Control

# 10

During Conflict, Lead Like a Pilot

# 11


Four Responses To Crisis--How Do You Respond?

# 75


Conflict: Ten Tests Of Character

# 127


The Pastor's Role In Managing Conflict--How To Make It Through The Heat

# 224


Four Tools To Fight Fire

# 265


 Conflict: Negotiation

When The Other Side Won't Negotiate--Dealing With Impasse

# 28

Seven Elements Of Principled Negotiation--From Harvard Negotiation Studies

# 48


Nixon's Ten Commandments Of Statecraft...Plus Two: Key Insights For Leadership And Negotiation

# 90


Twelve Conciliation Responses--Healthy And Unhealthy Responses to Conflict...And What You Can Do

# 197


Let's Turn Our Differences Into A New Direction!--Avoid The High Cost of Conflict in Your Church

# 201


 Conflict: Splits (Congregational)

How To Survive A Split--Yes, You Can Survive!

# 15


Congregational Splits: Seventeen Lessons In The Aftermath

# 102


It's Sad But True!—Reflections in the Aftermath of a Congregational Split!

# 110


Those Church Splits: We Need A Better Way

# 179


The Salem Witch Hunt: A Case Study Of Level IV Conflict

# 190


A View From Level IV--What To Do If You Are In   Level IV Conflict

# 247


 Conflict: Trauma Recovery


Recovering From Post-Conflict Trauma

# 156


Traumatized? Don't Talk, Don't Trust, Don't Feel!

# 192


Post-Traumatic Stress: The Pastoral Experience--How Severe Crisis Affects You

# 328


PTSD Inventory--How Affected By PTS Are You?

# 329


PTSD And The Family

# 330



Congregational Insight
And Ministry Function

 Congregational Dysfunction And Health

Five Kinds of Church Dysfunction-Which One Makes Your Church Tick?

# 25


Fifteen Characteristics Of A Dysfunctional Church

# 95


Healthy Church …Or Unhealthy Church

# 196


Ten Keys To A Healthy Ministry

# 278


Diagnosis And Intervention In The Neurotic Organization

# 316


Internet Church Health Links

# 347


 Management Topics


We Don't Have Voter's Assembly Meetings Anymore--Consider An Effective Alternative!

# 100


That Erratic Church Attendance -- Ways To Deal With Yours

# 116


 Metaphors For The Church


The Nursing Home: A Metaphor For The Church???

# 79


"Horse Sense" For Pastors And Leaders -- Insights For Your "Ecclesiastical Corral"

# 98


The Church As A Campfire -- Is The Fire Glowing???

# 119


Support Groups: Paradigm For Transformative Ministry

# 349


 Program Suggestions: Outreach


Reaching Bob And Muriel -- Suggestions For Effective Outreach

# 117


Are There Still Lost People?--Reflections and Encouragement for Plateaued Churches

# 160


Who Rings The Door Bell Now?--Ways To Enhance Member Visitation

# 164


Your Church's Body Language--What Do The Visitors See?

# 253




Leadership: Accountability/Integrity


Accountability--Insights For A Stronger Ministry

# 217


The Importance Of Integrity

# 218


Seven Deadly Sins Of Leadership

# 310


 Leadership: Biblical Basis

Is Your Church Gospel-Driven?--How To Tell If It Is...Or Isn't!

# 228


Proverb-ial Character--Insights on Christian Character From The Book of Proverbs* (Under Const).

# 232

Five Commandments For Sowers

# 237


The Parables: Jesus' Prescription For Healthy Ministry

# 308


 Leadership: Change


How To Identify Innovators and Laggards--A Key To Renewal!

# 41


Five Principles To Facilitate Change--Effective Insights to Ease Change

# 42


Twenty-One Characteristics Of Pastoral Change Agents

# 147


Why Change? Insights How Churches and Organizations Are Changing And What to Do

# 183


Anchors--Their Critical Importance To Your Ministry

# 313


Strategy For Growth: "Dorothy"--Insights On Leadership Charisma

# 341


 Leadership: Influence


Don't Look Now: They're Just Like You!--Do Churches Mimic Pastors?

# 128


Pastors, Parishioners, And Pygmalion--Do Congregations Really Mimic Their Pastors?

# 138


Leadership And Influence

# 142


 Leadership: Insights


What Parenting Taught ME About Leadership

# 66


Leadership Insights From The East

# 89


44 Lessons On Church Leadership From Lyle Schaller

# 198


101-Plus Differences Between Givers And Takers

# 239


What I've Learned...Through All Those Years

# 304


Things I've Learned From Dr. Laura

# 309


 Leadership: Marks


Pastoral Code Of Conduct

# 68

Ten Marks Of Effective Ministers--What REALLY Counts

# 32

Lessons From My Mentor

# 33


In Search Of Pastoral Excellence--An Inventory Of A Healthy Ministry

# 77


Sixteen Lessons On Leadership

# 136


Observations On Leadership: More Ministry Health Snippets

# 139


Principles Of Leadership--Insights by Peter Drucker

# 260


Fifteen Pointers For Preachers--Great Advice For You

# 325


 Leadership: Morale

Raising Morale In The Small Church--Simple Suggestions For A Critical Task

# 47


Snippets For Leaders--Reflections Of Leadership

# 124


44 Ways To A Healthier Ministry

# 125


One Solitary Life--Reflections On Jesus’ Leadership Influence

# 137


 Leadership: Resources

Top Ten Maxwell Tapes--Great Listening During Difficult Times

# 35

Ten Commitments of Leadership--From Kouzes and Posner

# 40


 Leadership: Small Church


Ministry Renewal In The Small Church

# 298


Leading And Growing The Small Church

# 348




 Leadership: Style


Isaiah, Son of Amoz, CEO

# 135


42 Power Plays In The Church And How To Address Them--Isn't It Time To Put God Back In Control?

# 153


CEO-cracy Or Theocracy?--Which Is Your Ministry Style?

# 246


Four Temperaments At The Beach--A Helpful Analogy For Leaders

# 242


Business Vs. Family Style Of Leadership

# 326


 Leadership: Vision


Those Vision Statements

# 134


Get A BHAG--Consider This Most Explosive Ministry Growth Tool!

# 169


Capacity To Act--Can Your Church Act When It Needs To?

# 255


Capacities--How To Overcome Personal And Congregational Limitations

# 256


From "Country Club" To "Mission Base": The Strategic Role Of The Pastor--The Pastor's Key Role In Leading Mission Renewal

# 282


The Power Of "Yes"!--What "Yes" Really Can Do For Your Ministry

# 321


Four Components Of Foresight--Keep Looking Ahead (Under Const)

# 213


The Rewards Of Risk--Take One Today!

# 214



Issues And Perspectives

 Ministry: Beginning

What To Do With The New Pastor--Some Helpful Welcome Suggestions

# 30


Night With Pastor--A Program To Start Your New Pastorate

# 43


When Your New Ministry Commences--Nine Things To Remember

# 165


 Ministry: Compensation


A Fair Salary--How To Ask For Your Rightful Compensation

# 46


Where's My Raise?--How To Encourage A Healthy Compensation System In Your Church

# 257


 Ministry: Confidentiality


Keeping Those Confidences--Advice From A General Superintendent

# 184


Levels Of Confidentiality--Insights For Managing A Difficult Issue* (Under Const)

# 187


 Ministry: Congregational Settings

Part-Time Ministry--What To Expect

# 39


 Ministry: Decline


Twelve Steps Toward Enhanced Congregational Decline

# 205


The Mark Of A Church In Decline--Go Beyond The Symptoms!

# 207


Reading List For A Church In Transition

# 208


 Ministry: Denominational


Thirty Things Your Denominational Executive May Not Tell You

# 343


Things Your Denominational Executive Would Love To Tell You

# 344


 Ministry: Divine Perspective Of…

God's Calling: A Two-Sided Blessing

# 4


The Office Of The Ministry: A Unique Burden

# 105


Ministry In The Fourth Dimension

# 172


Did You See Jesus At Church Today?

# 202


 Ministry: Concluding

I Put My Name On A Call List Today--Reflecting on a Hard Decision

# 22


When Is It Time To Move On?--Advice From A Denominational Overseer

# 166


Resolution For Pastoral Severance Compensation

# 171


 Ministry: Pastoral Relationships


Sheep Can Be Stolen!

# 182


 Ministry: Pastoral Support


How To Get Rid Of Your Preacher

# 74


Ten Things your Congregation Won't Tell You--What Are Their Secrets?

# 161


Steps Toward Recovering The Long-Term Pastorate

# 264


The "Mom Phenomenon"--The Church's Best Source Of Pastoral Support

# 258


 Ministry: Pastoral Value

Investing God's Pearls--The Pastor

# 9


Your Labor Is Not In Vain--And The Reason Why!

# 173


Who Are You Really???--Insight On Your Real Ordained Identity

# 189


 Ministry: Preaching


Preaching The Gospel: Snippets From Rev. Wayne Dobratz

# 92


Let's Find Our Prophetic Voice

# 180


We Have The Testimony

# 167


 Ministry: Search Committees


Pastoral Search Committee--A Search For The Ultimate Pastor

# 44


What Are Our Pastoral Search Committees Are Looking For? 

# 181




 Ministry: Service

I Will Serve The Lord--Recall Your Conviction for Ministry

# 23

Some Wrong Reasons to Serve God

# 24


Yes, But Do You Love Them?

# 130


Spiritual Half-Gifts--Insight On Your Unique Half-Giftedness

# 230


 Ministry: Trends

Ministry Trends In The Australian Church--It's Comin' To America!

# 18


Our Changing Spirituality In A Post-Industrial Society

# 107


LCMS Clergy Study (PDF only)
(Reprinted With Permission by the Board of Higher Ed: Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)

# 140


Baby Boomers: What Should Our Response Be?

# 163



(See Also ACOA/Codependency)

 Self-Management: Attitudes

You Gotta Have Hope

# 1

Hope Is Our Calling

# 2

Characteristics of Hope-Filled Leaders

# 3

Press On

# 6


A Football Tao For Pastors

# 62


Your Strength Is Your Weakness

# 67


Persistence Pays

# 215


The "Batch Attitude"--Insights From An NFL Quarterback

# 269


Reality-Based Ministry

# 284


The Ministry Fantasy

# 336


 Self-Management: Brokenness


Are You Broken Yet?

# 305


We're All Orphans--An Introduction To A Critical Stage Of Spiritual Development

# 307


How To Survive "Desolation"--Insights For Your Ministry From St. Ignatius

# 314


Four "Bases" Of Brokenness--An Overview Of The Painful Stages of Spiritual Transformation

# 318


 Self-Management: Burnout


Twenty-Five Ways To Lose Your Passion For Ministry

# 234


Re-Lighting Your Fire

# 235


So You Want Passion?

# 236


Life In The Fast Lane--Four Pitfalls of Going Too Hard Too Long!

# 249


Compassion Fatigue--When You Help And Care Too Much

# 261


 Self-Management: Coping Strategies

There Is A Time--For When Patience Is Short

# 17


Settle It In Your Heart--Jesus' Key For Coping (Luke 21:10)

# 69


Joy: Missing Or Presumed Lost In Action?

# 177


High Tolerance For Frustration

# 216


Healthy Clergy Wounded Healers (Book Review) 

# 334


Three Keys To Resiliency

# 327


 Self-Management: Depression/Loneliness (cf. "Brokenness")

Protect Yourself From The "Elijah Syndrome"

# 21


Loneliness: A Calling

# 99


Pride, Sloth and Loneliness--The Hideous Connection

# 293


 Self-Management: Career Expectations


How's Your Pastoral Career Path?--Are You Climbing The Ladder?

# 120


Consider This Call To A Mega-Church

# 154


 Self-Management: Developmental/Mid-Life

The Five Stages of Ministry--Are You In The Critical Years?

# 8


First Half--Second Half—Reflections On Bob Buford's Book, "Half Time" 

# 59


We All Go To Damascus: Your Mid-Ministry Spiritual Transformation

# 91


The Changes Life Brings To Us

# 132


 Self-Management: Family


When Your Church World Collapses--And You're The Pastor's Wife

# 86


Pastoral Care Of The Pastor's Wife

# 126


You're The Only One I Can Tell

# 148


Care For The Pastor's Wife Too!--Those Unhealthy Expectations

# 219


The Affair-Proof Pastorate

# 294


Those Adolescent PK's

# 317


PK's And The Fishbowl--Insights For The Parsonage Children

# 324


The Pastor's Problems

# 323


 Self-Management: Fear


Twenty-Four Anxiety Indicators--How Anxious Are You?

# 220


Nothing To Fear...But Phobia!--How Fear May Affect Your Ministry

# 211


Courage Or Cowardice-What Drives Your Leadership?

# 229

Five Toxic Beliefs--They're Sure To Destroy You And Others

# 222


Roots Of Reactivity

# 277


 Self-Management: Grief


Grief: The Hardest Thing

# 51


When You Lose A Confidant: Working Through The Grief

# 52


Searching In Sorrow—Pastoral Reflections on God’s Leading

# 58


Tears Of Trial--A Discussion of The Meaning And Experience Of Christian Suffering

# 65


Insights From Seamand's Healing Of Memories

# 88


Stages Of Grief—Another Perspective

# 155




 Self-Management: Guilt


Sixteen Marks Of A Shame-Based Ministry

# 82


Twenty-Two Expressions Of Unhealthy (Pastoral) Guilt

# 84


Eight Characteristics Of A Shame-Based Ministry

# 204


 Self-Management: Hazards

Compulsive "Medicators"--Are You Enjoying Something Too Much??

# 38

Sexual Addiction--No One's Immune

# 13


Recognizing Addictive And Obsessive Behaviors -- Stress May Bring Them On!

# 76


The Seven "Deadly" Sins Of Pastors

# 158


Hormones And Ministry: A Good Mix?--How To Keep One From Destroying The Other

# 162


 Self-Management: Healthy Perspectives


Rules For Being A Pastor

# 93


Twelve Guidelines For Being Human

# 96


What's It Like To Be A Pastor Of A Church? 

# 85


Are You A "Super" Pastor???

# 104


"Waiting For A Miracle"

# 106


He's Not Here, He's On A Long Service Leave

# 131


The Last Word

# 150


Dr. Paul's Prescription For Sanity

# 159


The Ministry Paradox

# 241

God's "Little" Surprise--For Your Ministry

# 243

 Self-Management: Historical


Tertullian On "Patience"--Classic Advice For Today's Pastors

# 193

Ein' Feste Burg: A Healthy Minister's Manifesto

# 29


Luther's Principles For Confident Ministry

# 262


Ministry Principles Of The Reformation

# 263


 Self-Management: Intimacy ("Self") Issues


The Intimate Pastorate

# 270


Everything Rises And Falls On...Intimacy

# 271


Intimacy Is The Issue!

# 272


The Consequences Of Loneliness

# 273


Checklist For Loneliness

# 274


The Dark Side Of The Intimate Pastorate

# 275


The Dark Side Of Leadership Inventory

# 276


 Self-Management: Joy of Ministry


A Christian Amidah --- A Joyous Affirmation of Faith

# 54


Things I Enjoy Most About Being A Minister

# 113


Macro-Faith: At A Store Near You

# 176


Ministry Of Thanksgiving

# 191


 Self-Management: Perfectionism

Two Types Of Perfectionists

# 12

Are You A Perfectionist?--A Checklist

# 36


Shepherds In Sheep's Clothing--Pastoral Imperfection

# 186


 Self-Management: Rejection

Rejected! How Could They?!!!--How To Recognize and Pick-Up After Being Inexplicably Abandoned

# 212


The Ministry Of Rejection

# 297


Put Off--An Explanation For Painful Rejection

# 286


"Put Off!": A Pastoral Letter In Response To #286

# 287


 Self-Management: Self-Differentiation/Over-Function

Checklist For Self-Differentiation--Do You Have A Life?

# 49


The New Year's Coming!--Manage Your Ministry More Effectively

# 55


Are You Still Performing Human Sacrifice?

# 87

  Fischer's ("Ninety Percent") Rule



The Danger Of Slowing Down

# 133


When Helping Hurts

# 151


All I Am Depends On...You

# 195


One-Sided Ministry -How To Get Out Of One

# 223


Confessions Of A Broken Ping-Pong Ball--Insights On Self-Differentiation

# 337


Self-Differentiation: An Essential Attitude For Healthy Leadership

# 345

 Self-Management: Spiritual Warfare 


Twelve Habits Of Highly Effective Spiritual Leaders

# 143


Four Convictions Of Spiritual Warfare

# 240


Methods Of Satanic Warfare

# 245


Pastoral "Transfer Request"

# 280


Prayer And The Ordered Life--Don't Overlook It!

# 332

 Self-Management: Suffering 

The Purpose of Suffering

# 7

Principles of Christian Suffering

# 16

Autobiography in Five Chapters

# 5

What Ever Happened To Habitus Practicus?

# 244

 Self-Management: Support 

Five Types of Necessary Coping Relationships

# 14


Put Your Hand Up When You're Drowning

# 129


Pastor, Help Yourself!--Pastoral Proactivity

# 170


Are You My Friend?--Twelve Ways To Be Sure

# 225


Thank God For Big Shoulders

# 238


The Pedestal Paradigm

# 302


 Self-Management: Spirituality (cf. also Self-Management: The Soul)


The "Twelve Steps" Of Spiritual Transformation

# 146


The Prodigal Son In "F"

# 152


Recovering The Contemplative Ministry-- From Eugene Peterson

# 157


The Spirituality Of Ministry

# 301


The Formation Of Intimate Spirituality

# 303

I'm Drinking From My Saucer, 'Cause My Cup Overflows!-- (Poem)

# 315

 Self-Management: The "Soul" (cf. Also Love Notes Archives) 

Go Easy, Go Gently, Go In Peace--"Soup" For The Minister's Soul

# 34


What It Really Means To "Let Go"

# 61


I Know A Savior--For The "Soul"

# 94


A Morning Prayer--Start Your Day Out Right!

# 97


God Knows--For The "Soul"

# 122


The Dignity Of Each Day

# 185

 Self-Management: Success/Failure 

Success and Failure: They Have The Same Problems!

# 26


Failure: Another Perspective, Part I -- Ministry Health "Snippets" On Failure (cf. No. 78)

# 71


Failure: Another Perspective, Part II -- More Ministry Health "Snippets" On Failure

# 78


The Ministry: A Calling To "Let Go" 

# 108


The Chemical Side Of Failure

# 112


"This 'n' That" Snippets

# 115

Twenty-Six Steps To Self-Destruction--And Ten Steps Toward Renewal!

# 221


Failure Is Not Final

# 299


Is It Time To Back Off?

# 281


Self-Management: Time Management


The Most Insidious Cult

# 118


Snippets For Procrastinators

# 121


The Pastor's Mistress

# 141


An Affair Of The Heart

# 322



Systems Theory: 
Insights And Applications



The Pastor's Role: It's All Part Of The System

# 267


Addictive Emotional Process--A Key To Understanding Congregational Behaviors

# 338


The Ministry "Table"--Family System Insights On Pastoral Power And Position

# 306


Systems Theory Resources-- Bowen, Friedman et al.

# 346



Links And Resources



URL's Of Other Helpful Conflict Articles On The Internet--Including articles by Rick Warren, Peter Steinke, et al!

# 226


Bibliography For Church Health--An Extensive Biographical Listing of Church Health Resources

# 333


Internet Church Health Links

# 347






Ministry Health Information Sheet

# 149

Support Your Friendly, Local Child Abuse Investigator--Some Guidelines for Pastoral Practice In Child Abuse Situations

# 233


A Voice Calling In The Wilderness

# 268


Scarred Love--Easter Message (1999)

# 279


Topical Index    Articles 1-49    Articles 50-99   Articles 100-149   Articles 150-199   
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