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Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor
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Four Responses To Crisis
Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A.
Number 75
- 1) Return To A "Pre-Crisis" State:
- After the crisis the individual, instead of moving toward growth, regresses back to
where they were before, only to experience the same thing again and again until they face
the pain in a constructive manner. An excellent example of this is the Ministry Health
article #5, "Autobiography In Five
- 2) Develop Negative ("Toxic") Behaviors:
- Some respond to crisis by developing patterns of negative behavior to ease the tension.
Such negative behaviors may include isolation, withdrawal, becoming overly controlling,
people- pleasing, succumbing to addictions (e.g. alcohol, drugs, relationships, sexual, et
al.), career suicide, etc.
- Unfortunately, these and other behaviors not only fail to relieve the situation, but
they place additional stresses on one's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Indeed, these negative behavior patterns may be damaging to one's health and ministry.
"Career Suicide" may be one example. Be sure to consider the Ministry Health article
#76, "Recognizing Addictive and Obsessive
Behaviors" to help you recognize when you're experiencing stress-provoked
negative behaviors.
- 3) Survival and Growth
- The hardest way, going through crisis, is also the most beneficial.
When one is able to face the pain, shed denial, work through the difficulties, overcome
the spiritual, emotional, and physical challenges involved in crises, one experiences
unparalleled survival and growth.
- Survivors not only come out healthier and more confident for having gone through the
pain, but their church and those to whom they minister benefit from the deepened
perspective of a pastor who has "been there--done that."
- Examples of personal lessons of growth experienced in response to crisis include:
- Gaining new characteristics and abilities you didn't have before;
- Learning that you really can survive with God's strength;
- That God really is with you in ways you never could have imagined!
- The development of new "survival" and coping strategies;
- Learning that you can handle crises;
- A recognition that you don't control outcomes--God does!
- Recalling that the ministry is not just preaching, but it's dealing "head on"
with the real existential issues of a sinful world encumbered with many, many problems,
problems with which many of our parishioners are dealing in their daily lives;
- Learning that you are able to find alternatives to problems;
- Discovering that you can hold my own when others cannot and that your strength upholds
and encourages them;
- Discovering that there are others in the Body of Christ who, having also experienced
crises and difficulties, are an invaluable source of encouragement and support;
- Gaining of a new appreciation of your inner Christian spirituality;
- After all the guilt, recognizing that by the grace of God alone, you really are a
"good" person;
- Being reminded that you not perfect, but God's undeserved forgiveness is
yours anyway;
- Learning again that God really does keep His promises;
- Learning how suffering is the short-term experience which spurs long-term growth
and true Christian joy. The greater the suffering, the greater the growth and the joy
(James 1:1); and
- Discovering in hindsight that the fear that you experienced, though real and disabling,
was really an indication of your lack of faith in powerful renewal which God
promised and realized through your crisis;
- Discovering that we really do not need to fear;
- Experiencing God's promise that He will never leave you or forsake you;
- and so many, many more such lessons.
- 4) Move Out In Unparalleled Confidence In God's Promises
- Those who fall into the first and second responses to crisis often fail to really
discover the depth of strength that God gives to His people. Not being able to respond to
God's word, "Fear not," such individuals distance themselves from God's presence
and power. Unfortunately, one cannot really learn how to overcome fear without having gone
through intense fear and, in spite of the fear, allowing God to work powerfully in their
- Those who have experienced and successfully overcome the fear have developed and
resourced the Five Necessary Coping
Relationships. They have also given the proper attention to their physical, spiritual,
and mental health by getting professional help for excessive anxiety, depression,
etc. and,
when necessary, used medications to help restore normal cerebral, hormonal, endocrine
chemistries and body functions.
- Perhaps most important of all, they have learned to let go
in faith so that God's power could powerfully work in them. In doing so they learn St.
Paul's "secret" of enduring difficulties. They also learned the secret of true
joy and discovered just how "blessed" those who suffer really are. They are
"blessed" because they have experienced God's working in a way no one else can
experience for them.
- What's Your Crisis Response?
- Certainly I'm not an avid advocate of suffering. Yet, when crises occur, Christian
leaders need to evaluate their responses. If unhealthy or destructive, or if they find
themselves powerless and weak in their situation, bailing out may not be the answer.
- Flight, denial, and walking away may be signals that one's faith has significant
character weaknesses. In fact, these unhelpful and often destructive responses may be
Satan's way to prevent you from experiencing the ultimate fulfillment of God's promise,
"I will not leave you nor forsake you."
- Given God's continued "spotless" record is that He faithfully bears us on
eagle's wings. he most God-pleasing response is simply to trust Him...especially in trial.
Perhaps the greatest comfort in trial are the words of God spoken through Jeremiah in
chapter 29 of his prophecy:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares
the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope
and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
- The ultimate test for any Christian, especially Christian pastors, is the test of
trusting God's promises. Are God's promise true? Are you willing to let God prove it in
your life, even though it be through pain, adversity and other difficulties? Consider your
past and present responses to crisis and then resolve today to trust His plan, His hope,
and His future for you as His chosen servant.
- Thomas F. Fischer
- Romans 5:1 ff.
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