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Christian Ministry Professionals

Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor

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Articles 150-199


Title of Article*
Click the
pdf.gif (137 bytes) symbol for pdf version. Click Title of Article for html version).

No. 150   The Last Word--Easter 2001 Message*
No. 151   When Helping Hurts*
No. 152   The Prodigal Son In "F"*
No. 153   42 Power Plays In The Church And How To Address Them--Isn't It Time To Put God Back In Control?
No. 154   Consider This Call To A Mega-Church
No. 155   Stages Of Organizational Grief*
No. 156   Recovering From Post-Conflict Trauma
No. 157   Recovering The Contemplative Ministry--Insights From Eugene Peterson
No. 158   The Seven "Deadly" Sins Of Pastors*
No. 159  

Dr. Paul's Prescription For Sanity*

No. 160   Are There Still Lost People?--Reflections and Encouragement for Plateaued Churches**
No. 161   Ten Things your Congregation Won't Tell You--What Are Their Secrets?
No. 162   Hormones And Ministry: A Good Mix?--How To Keep One From Destroying The Other**
No. 163   Baby Boomers: What Should Our Response Be?
No. 164   Who Rings The Door Bell Now?--Ways To Enhance Member Visitation**
No. 165   When Your New Ministry Commences--Nine Things To Remember**
No. 166

pdf.gif (137 bytes)

When Is It Time To Move On?--Advice From A Denominational Overseer**
No. 167  

We Have The Testimony--Keep It Shining!**

No. 168  

'Trojan Horse' Transfers--And How To Deal With Them

No. 169  

Get A BHAG--Consider This Most Explosive Ministry Growth Tool!

No. 170   Pastor, Help Yourself!--An Encouragement of Pastoral Proactivity**
No. 171   Resolution For Pastoral Severance Compensation*
No. 172  

Ministry In The Fourth Dimension--It's More Than Meets The Eye!

No. 173  

Your Labor Is Not In Vain--And The Reason Why!

No. 174  

How To Make Antagonists Give Up* (Under Const.)

No. 175  

An Antagonist's Dictionary: What Their Words Really Mean!

No. 176  

Macro-Faith: At A Store Near You*

No. 177  

Joy: Missing Or Presumed Lost In Action?*

No. 178  

Minorities: Alive and Well In The Church--How To Deal With Dissendent Groups**

No. 179  

Those Church Splits: We Need A Better Way*

No. 180  

Let's Find Our Prophetic Voice--An Encouragement To "Speak Out"*

No. 181  

What Are Our Pastoral Search Committees Are Looking For?

No. 182  

Sheep Can Be Stolen!*

No. 183  

Why Change? Insights How Churches and Organizations Are Changing And What to Do*

No. 184  

Keeping Those Confidences--Advice From A General Superintendent**

No. 185  

The Dignity Of Each Day-- The Joy Of God's "Today" For You!**

No. 186  

Shepherds In Sheep's Clothing--Perspectives On What Pastors Really Are!**

No. 187   Levels Of Confidentiality--Insights For Managing A Difficult Issue* (Under Const)
No. 188   Those Libelous Letters--Some Guidelines and Suggestions For Yours*
No. 189   Who Are You Really???--Insight On Your Real Ordained Identity
No. 190   The Salem Witch Hunt: A Case Study Of Level IV Conflict*
No. 191   Ministry Of Thanksgiving--Thanksgiving 1999 Message
No. 192   Traumatized? Don't Talk, Don't Trust, Don't Feel!
No. 193   Tertullian On "Patience"--Classic Advice For Today's Pastors
No. 194   (Under Construction)
No. 195   All I Am Depends On...You
No. 196   Healthy Church Or Unhealthy Church
No. 197   Twelve Conciliation Responses--Healthy And Unhealthy Responses to Conflict...And What You Can Do
No. 198   44 Lessons On Church Leadership From Lyle Schaller: A Compilation
No. 199   Music: Where's The Harmony?--Insights On Your Hymnal Controversy**

* Indicates articles not yet sent to Ministry Health subscribers.

Topical Index    Articles 1-49    Articles 50-99   Articles 100-149   Articles 150-199   
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