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Five Commandments For
Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div, M.S.A.
Number 237
- Jesus used parables to describe the gracious and creative activity of God in the world.
These parables have insights for every one in the Kingdom and for every ministry as well.
One of the most common "likenings" Jesus used for the Kingdom was that of a
seed. It's preparation, planting, growth and harvest all vividly exemplify the passions
that Christ calls everyone in the Kingdom to possess and practice.
The Five Commandments
- 1) Plant The Seed
- Do it orderly, recklessly, one-by-one or dump the whole bag. It doesn't matter. Plant
the seed. Don't worry if it might burn up. Don't worry if it won't grow. Don't worry if
the birds will eat some of it. Don't worry about the weeds. That's not your place. That's
not your passion. If you do, your fretting, planning, organization and toil will not be
able to help the seed. Besides, if you do, it will divert your passion from your number
one passion. Just plant the seed!
- 2) Let God Work
- Take a nap. Go to bed. Sleep...really soundly. Once you plant the seed, don't wait
around for the seed to grow. Just plant more seed. At the end of the day, go to sleep.
Staying up late at night won't do anything for the seed. It just makes you more restless,
irritable, depressed, anxious and less passionate to do what you're supposed to do: Plant
- Sleep tight knowing that you could die and the seed would still grow. So what if it
blows your ego. If it does, it should! Why? Because the seed doesn't depend on you.
It depends on God.
- Remember, your passion is not making the seed grow. Your passion is planting seeds...and
letting God do the rest!
- 3) Put Up With The Weeds
- The strong seeds will grow, the others won't. Don't worry. Of course, it's not that you
aren't concerned or that you should be apathetic. It's just that the seeds' growth is not
dependent on you.
- Weeds, threats, droughts, storms, predators will all come to eat or destroy the seeds.
Though it may dissapoint you, it's not your concern. Though your harvest may not be as big
as the neighbors, don't worry. Don't give it a second thought. After all, it's not your
harvest anyway!
- Again, what is your passion? It's planting seeds, remember? Don't be a
perfectionistic weed eating control-freak. The weeds aren't your enemy. It's your focusing
on the weeds that gives them power to disillusion and embitter you. Don't loose your
passion. Put up with the weeds. It's just part of God's plan. Just focus on the seeds,
stupid. Remember, it's the seeds. The seeds! Ah, yes, the seeds!!!
- 4) Let Growth Occur As God Gives
- Seeds will grow but not always in nice rows like you wanted. Did you plant the
seeds in rows? Shame on you. Didn't you know that's not to be your passion? So what if
it's not perfect? So what if it's not as efficient, business-like, or appealing. What do
you think you are, in a garden club? No, you're a seed planter.
- God didn't call you to plant straight rows, beautiful rows, or awe-inspiring colorfully
coordinated rows. He called you to plant seeds...lots of seeds...all over the place.
- Did you forget God's passion for you...again? Maybe a little quasi-Seussian
"ditty" will help you to remember!
By Thomas F. Fischer-Seuss
Seeds, seeds, seeds,
How many seeds I meet.
Seeds at my right feet,
Seeds at my left feet,
Oh, my! Oh, my!
I wonder how many, many more of God's seeds
I can throw in my next seed sweep!
- 5) Be Confident! The Harvest Will Come
- It may be big. It may be small. There may be lots or none at all. The harvest may be
wiped out, drowned, burned, drought-ed, trampled on, who knows. But it may be big, too. It
doesn't matter. That's up to God!
- My passion is to plant seeds and wait for the harvest. The harvest will its
time and in the amount God has chosen. How big will the harvest be? Will there be lots or
- Oh, whatever the results, it will be exciting to see what God can do with
someone who just throws seeds. Of course, there's nothing as exciting as my
greatest passion, planting seeds!
"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it
grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but
only God, who makes things grow." I Corinthians 3:6-7
- Thomas F. Fischer
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