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Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor

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Qualities of "High Hope" Leaders
A Leadership Inventory

Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A.
(Items are not necessarily listed in order of importance)

Number 3

Check those qualities which best describe you...

Rate Yourself...

13-15...Very high momentum

10-12...Strong sense of hopefulness

8-9 ......Hopeful, but may be stopped by occasional flashes of disappointment

4-7.......It's been a hard to keep going

Less than 4: You're dealing with the "Elijah Syndrome" (see I Kings 19:1ff)

Are you a "high hope" leader? How many of the above characterize you when things are good? When things are not going well? Which two items above should you prayerfully focus on to help make yourself a more effective bearer of Christian hope in your church in God’s grace?

I’ve found one of the best ways to understand "High Hope Leadership" is to do sermon studies on Biblical leaders and prophets. Try it! Do a three week series on Jeremiah 1:4 ff., Ezekiel, Elijah (I Kings 18-19), or others. It will deepen your understand, experience and recognition that God really is using you—whether you feel like it or not—and He hasn't even begun using you yet!

Thomas F. Fischer

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