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The Importance Of Integrity
Rev. Greg Morris, Director,
Greg Morris Ministries*
Number 218
- Have you given much thought recently to integrity? Of the
1300 senior executives who responded to a recent survey, 71% indicated that integrity is
the human quality most necessary for enhancing an executive's effectiveness. While it is
encouraging that integrity is recognized as an important value, integrity is certainly not
as common as we would like to see in the business world. Nor for that matter in religious
or ministry circles.
- The dictionary defines integrity as being complete or
undivided. When a person has integrity, his actions match his words. His conduct is not
characterized by duplicity or hypocrisy, but by an authentic and unified character. As
leaders, we cannot impart that which we do not possess! We cannot expect integrity from
colleagues, subordinates, friends or family members, if our lives are not characterized by
the very same quality.
- U.S. Army Captain Andrew Entwistle responding to Navy
Admiral Jeremy Boordas suicide wrote, "Integrity is like virginityonce
you lose it, its gone for good
No officer should ever be in a position where he
or she fears the truth." Nor should any leader.
- If integrity is to be the hallmark of our lives and
leadership, we need to make the following commitments:
- I will do what I say no
matter how hard;
- I will live what I teach despite the
- I will be honest with others whatever
the cost;
- I will put what is best for others ahead
of what is best for me the heartbeat of servant leadership; and
- I will be transparent, authentic and
vulnerable and keep integrity on display in a visible, intentional, yet humble manner.
- If our lives are to impact others with the life-changing
message of the gospel, integrity will characterize our conduct. You and your message are
one. Let's commit to speak (and live) with absolute unity!
- Stay the Course,
- Greg Morris
Copyright Greg Morris and Ministry Health 1998--All Rights Reserved
* Greg Morris Ministries WebSite is located
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