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We Have God's Testimony
John Crowe, M. Div., D. Min.
Number 167
Once, I was looking for a cash register with a short line. Soon, a cashier called me
over. I told her that I had not come earlier because her light was not shining. Once she turned her light on, many people came into her line. She had the title of
being a cashier, but she did not have a testimony until her light was shining.
- The Bible tells us we have a testimony. It's the testimony of God's blessing His Word as
it works through His called people.
- In Genesis 11 and 12, the people of Abraham's home town had the title of being the
advanced place of culture, but Abram had the testimony of being called of God to go where
he had never been before. In Genesis 13 through 15 Lot had the title of living in the
city, but Abraham has the testimony of God's covenant to bless the whole world through his
seed. In Genesis 39-50, Potiphar's wife had the title, but Joseph had the testimony of how
God turns evil into good.
- In Egypt, the Pharaoh who did not know Joseph had the title, but Moses had the testimony
of knowing who really is God. In Egypt, the river Nile, the frogs, the gnats, the
flies, etc. all represented the title of some Egyptian god, but the Israelites had the
testimony that the Lord alone is God.
- In the wilderness, Aaron had the title of high priest and build a golden calf, but Moses
had the testimony about how to worship God. In the conquest of the promised land, Achan
had the title of having a valley named after him whom Israel stoned after taking the spoil
of the battle, but Rahab and her house had the testimony of being saved from the
destruction of Jericho
- .
- In the days of the Judges, Israel had the title of being without a king and everyone
doing as they saw fit, but the judges had the testimony of God being Israel's
King. During
the days of Samuel, Saul had the title of being King, but David had the testimony of
defeating Goliath.
- During the later days of the united kingdom of Israel, David had the title of being the
conquering king, but Solomon had the testimony of building the Temple to worship God.
- While Ahab had the title of being the King of Israel who married Jezebel, but Elijah had
the testimony of defeating the prophets of Baal and God feeding him by the ravens.
(I Kings. 17-18).
- While Hoshea had the title of being the king while the Israelites were exiled by the
Assyrians (now northern Iraq), the prophets Isaiah, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Micah,
Obadiah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah had the testimony of proclaiming the Word of the
Lord about judgment and the promised restoration.
- While Josiah had the title of being the last king of Judah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel had the
testimony of God's promise of a new covenant and a new heart. While Nebuchadnezzar had the
title of being king of Babylon, Daniel had the testimony of being delivered from the
Lion's den.
- While five different men over a period of 100 years had the title of being king of
Persia, the three prophets: Haggai, Zechariah & Malachi, the priest Ezra and the
governor Nehemiah had the testimony of rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem.
- In the Gospels, Herod the Great had the title of being king of Israel, but John the
Baptist had the testimony about God's Kingdom being at hand. Augustus Caesar had the title
of being the emperor of the Roman Empire, but Jesus had the testimony of being born the
King of the Jews. Pontius Pilate had the title of being the Roman Governor of Judah, but
Jesus had the testimony of having a higher authority over his life.
- During the events in the book of Acts, the Romans had the title of being the builders of
society, while the church had the testimony of turning the world upside down with the
Gospel. During the writing of the NT epistles, Satan has the title of being the god of the
kingdom of this world, but Christians have the testimony of being redeemed from the domain
of darkness and living as the children of light.
- During the writing of Revelation, the Roman emperor Domitian took the title 'Lord God',
but Jesus has the testimony of being the Alpha and the Omega, "who is, and who was,
and who is to come," the Almighty. In Revelation, the "latter days" empire
of darkness gives itself the title of being victorious over the church, but the church has
the testimony of being victorious by the blood of Jesus and the word of their testimony.
- The record is clear. In every case, the testimony of God's Word was superior. In the
face of all odds, it as the testimony of God's Word that overcame and made the difference
in the lives of God's people.
- We have the testimony of God's Word. It's our calling to continue giving that testimony.
Like the cashier, turn on the light of God's testimony in your ministry and watch God
begin to change and transform their lives by His power.
- John Crowe
Index Articles 1-49
Articles 50-99 Articles
100-149 Articles 150-199
200-249 Articles 250-299
Articles 300-349 Articles
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