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Persistence Pays
Rev. Greg Morris, Director,
Greg Morris Ministries*
Number 215
Persistence Pays!
An element of leadership that is often
overlooked is that of persistence. It is not a very glamorous aspect of leadership but if
we truly want to be leaders of integrity and influence we will be persistent in our
mission, goals and objectives.
- Calvin Coolidge said,
"Nothing in the world can take
the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men
with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not;
the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are
- Great people are often just ordinary people with
extraordinary determination. They simply won't quit. A person's character and influence is
not determined by his fame, position, wealth or station in life; but rather what it takes
to discourage that person.
- You can learn much about a person as they respond
to criticism or failure. What does it take to discourage you? -- Someone's
disapproval? Unmet expectations? Unplanned obstacles?
- Paul writes in Galatians 6.9,
"So let's not allow
ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop is we
don't give up, or quit." (The Message).
- Beth Anne DeCiantis' attempted to qualify for the 1992
Olympic Trials marathon. A female runner must complete the 26 mile, 385 yard race in less
than two hours, forty five minutes to compete at the Olympic Trials.
- Beth started strong but began having trouble around mile
23. She reached the final straight-away at 2:43, with just two minutes left to qualify.
Two hundred yards from the finish, she stumbled and fell. Dazed, she stayed down for 20
seconds. The crowd yelled, "Get up!" The clock was ticking - 2:44, less than a
minute to go.
- Beth Anne staggered to her feet and began walking. Five
yards short of the finish, with ten seconds to go, she fell again. She began to crawl, the
crowd cheering her on, and crossed the finish line on her hands and knees. Her time? Two
hours, 44 minutes, 57 seconds.
- Hebrews 12.1 reminds us to run our race with perseverance
and never give up!
- Despite what you are facing this week, hang in there. Don't
get discouraged, dont' give up!
- Stay the course!
- Greg Morris
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* Greg Morris Ministries WebSite is located
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