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Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor
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"Not In Vain"
Easter Quiz: 1998
Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A.
Number 173
- Question:
Of all the reasons St. Paul wrote I Corinthians 15:1-57 (known as the "Resurrection
Chapter of the Bible"), what is one of the most important reasons for us pastors?
- One of the main purposes for I Corinthians 15 was to encourage Christians in their
respective ministries. Paul's inspired words of I Cor. 15:1-57 serve as the underlying
basis for the well-known conclusion of this chapter,
"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give
yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the
Lord is not in vain." (I Cor. 15:58 NIV)
Note the key word, "Therefore." "Therefore" ALWAYS introduces a
conclusion based on what precedes it.
The relationship between what precedes and follows "therefore" is unmistakable.
The reason Christians "stand firm" and are "unmoved" is specifically
and exclusively related and based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because of His
resurrection--not our currently ministry circumstances no matter how good or gloomy--we
can give ourselves "fully" to the work of the Lord.
The ONLY valid reason for ministry is to proclaim the resurrection of Christ. If any other
reason (e.g. recognition, advancement, numbers, our own worth and giftedness, et al)
infringes upon this basis to any extent at all, our ministry will suffer. When they do, we
cannot give ourselves fully to the Lord. We can't stand firm. We can be moved. It is when
we can be
moved that we may begin to feel our ministries are in vain.
I Corinthians 15;1-58 demonstrates in a profound way that Paul really understands the
ministry. His ministry was to preach "Christ crucified" and risen again. It was
that singular, microscopic focus on this one--and only--basis for ministry that
strengthened and upheld him through his entire ministry...even to his unjust death.
This singular, microscopic focus is also ours. No matter what happens, no matter what we
experience in our ministries, we must daily claim the proclamation of the resurrection of
Christ as the critical, foundation for our ministries.
When we understand this, we can look beyond the current circumstances--good or bad--and
see the ministerial calling as GOD sees it. Our calling is to preach the resurrected
Christ--passionately, faithfully, repeatedly, in any way we can--so that "some"
might be saved.
Insofar as we remember our primary calling is to preach the Resurrected Christ, we will
know our labor is not in vain. (Be sure to look at the Greek of vs.. 58!)
Your labor is NOT in vain. Let NOTHING move you as you give yourself fully to the
proclamation of the resurrected Christ! After all, that is where the joy is. He is Risen!
He is Risen, Indeed!!!
Praising God for this ministry of proclaiming the Risen Christ this Easter,
He is Risen! HE IS RISEN, INDEED!!!
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