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The Rewards Of Risk
Rev. Greg Morris, Director,
Greg Morris Ministries*
Number 214
- The Rewards of Risk
- It has been said that everything rises and falls on
leadership. Every decision that is made, every action that is taken, every goal that has
been set is the product of leadership. And as influencers of others this requires us to
make decisions.
- John Maxwell has written that great decisions are
often as much a matter of timing as an event:
The wrong
decision at the wrong time = disaster
The wrong decision at the right time = mistake
The right decision at the wrong time =
The right decision at the right time = success.
- But making decisions can be difficult. It often requires a
bit of forecasting balanced by a sense of history. We look for solid footing on which to
place a nervous next step. In a time of uncertainty, we look for direction. But leaders
must be decisive. Vacillation and procrastination confuse and discourage those around us.
And as much as we try to minimize it, decision making carries with it the ramifications of
- Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric has said,
- "Risk is stepping outside your comfort zone
to a place where you cannot predict with any degree of certainty the outcome of your
actions. Risk is taking on something that holds an enormous chance of failure. Most
importantly, risk is the only real key to outrageous success."
Matthew 25.14-30 records an interesting parable. In it
Christ severely criticizes the servant for burying his master's money. The servant
indicated he was afraid. Christ's response: "It's criminal to live cautiously like
that!" (v.26, The Message)
How often do we live cautiously? And how often do we
justify our inertia as being conservative, being prudent or something else when in fact,
like the servant in the parable, it is fear. You see, the risk is not for personal gain or
gratification but for the glory of the Master.
I'm not talking about being foolish, but by
stepping out on faith, free from the stranglehold of fear. We will never be able
to accomplish great things for God if we don't first attempt great things for God. Oswald
Chambers said "Live reckless for God!"
Are you willing to color outside the lines, risk failure or
step out of your comfort zone
for the glory of the Master? Don't be afraid to take
risks. Have a "reckless week!"
Stay the Course,
Greg Morris
Copyright Greg Morris and Ministry Health 1998--All Rights Reserved
* Greg Morris Ministries WebSite is located
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