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Rev. Greg Morris, Director,
Greg Morris Ministries*
Number 217
All of us struggle in our pursuit of personal or
professional excellence. We attempt to gain an advantage as we exercise leadership in our
homes, businesses or ministries. This may include reading the latest book or periodical,
attending a seminar or recasting our goals. Despite the fact that we all want to succeed,
I would almost guarantee that accountability is a missing link in your leadership plan.
Accountability simply means that we are to be answerable in
key areas of our life to certain other qualified individuals, i.e. someone who has the
courage to ask us the difficult questions and won't accept a superficial answer. For us to
be accountable to someone else requires that we display an honesty and vulnerability that
can be painful. It requires us to be genuine, authentic and humble.
Solomon observed that "as iron sharpens iron, one
man sharpens another." (Proverbs 27.17) And when Paul wrote to the Philippians
he encouraged them to look after the interests of others as well as their own (Phil.2.4).
The benefits of accountability are many. Some of these include:
- Objectivity - If one man calls you a
donkey, pay him no mind. If two men call you a donkey, look for hoof prints. If three call
you a donkey, get a saddle! Others can see our blind spots.
- Credibility - a friend can help you
maintain your reputation as you uphold your integrity and character.
- Direction - We all lose focus from time to
time. Accountability helps insure your clarity of vision.
- Boundaries - others can help us determine
reasonable and important limits. Without them, temptation becomes even more tempting.
- Perspective - an additional vantage point
is invaluable.
If we do not have a structure of accountability, it may be
because of a problem of willingness, a strong personality, lack of vulnerability or an
element of success.
All of these issues, however, ultimately boil down to
pride. Arrogance gives us the mistaken opinion that we can do it ourselves without the
help of others. Accountability though protects us from ourselves.
In this age of fallen heroes and leaders spinning out of
control, let's be willing to take the necessary steps in establishing our accountability
in areas such as our relationship with God, family relationships, thought life, and moral
and ethical behavior. You'll be "sharper" because of it!
Stay the Course,
Greg Morris
Copyright Greg Morris and Ministry Health 1998--All Rights Reserved
* Greg Morris Ministries WebSite is located
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