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Are You Too Involved With Your Church?
Rev. Barb Schmitz
Number 49
Checklist for Self-Differentiation
1. I plan at least one 24 hour period per week for myself when I do not answer
the phone, pager, etc. or do any church-related work.
2. I have at least one very close friend outside the parish, one close friend
who is not a Christian, and one group outside the parish that I meet with once a month for
friendship, hobby, whatever.
3. I take all my vacation time and enjoy it; I wish I had even more.
4. I have at least one lifetime interest outside the church (stock market,
singing, sailing, golf, woodworking, baseball card collecting, etc.) that I enjoy at least
once a week.
5. My spouse and children have my complete attention when I am with them.
6. I take a day off every week, and I dont think about church at all.
7. I have a prayer group or Bible study group (outside the parish) that I meet with at
least once a month.
8. I am currently involved in learning (reading, attending a class, researching, etc.)
about something that has nothing to do with church.
9. I let the answering machine pick up messages during mealtimes, meditation times, and
family times.
10. I am not working more hours per week that I agreed to work in my letter of call.
# "Yes" |
8-10 |
Very good preventive maintenance on boundaries
6-7 |
Boundaries somewhat weak; work at getting a life
4-5 |
Boundaries too porous; personal or church trauma could put you over the edge; act
quickly to avert impending coping mechanism failure
1-3 |
Serious boundary difficulties; get professional help.
Italicized portions added by Ministry Health Editor
Source: Rev. Barb Schmitz, ed. Conflict Communique,
July/August, 1996, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 3-4.
Copyright 1996 by Rev. Barb Schmitz.
All Rights Reserved.
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