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A High Tolerance For Frustration
Rev. Greg Morris, Director,
Greg Morris Ministries*
Number 216
- Effective leadership demands a host of traits and characteristics. Some elements are
developed by experience while others seem to be inborn characteristics. Some leadership
fundamentals focus on you the leader while other elements focus on those around you.
- Although much of your effectiveness as a leader is based on your management style, there
seems to be certain principles that are basic to all effective leadership, whether in the
boardroom or the homeroom.
- One of these essentials for leadership is to adopt a high tolerance for frustration. How
do you respond to unfulfilled promises, unmet expectations or unplanned interruptions? It
is essential that we stay calm in the face of trouble so emotion does not diminish your
ability to think and act.
- I must admit, my frustration tolerance wasn't very great on Saturday afternoon when
after the roofers had taken off the old felt paper and shingles the downpour began! The
inside of our house looked like a 3 Stooges movie with pots and pans in every room to
catch the drips and drops!
- "NOW, THAT'S DIFFERENT. I wasn't frustrated, just passionately active!!"
- Isn't that typical of our reaction; that is to diminish our personal responsibility? The
reality is that your influence and reactions as a leader set the climate for your family,
your organization or your church. And this climate contributes to productivity and
accomplishments (or the lack thereof). Think about the total effect that you have on those
around you, especially as you face frustrating circumstances.
- Isaiah 26.3 promises us peace, but with a stipulation. That promise of peace is only
ours when our trust is in Him. And the next verse explains that the object of our
confidence is likened to a rock, which is exactly why we can trust Him.
- As you face frustrations this week, ask yourself "Am I allowing my response to
frustration to paralyze my effectiveness as a leader and diminish my witness as a
Christian?" Think about it!
- Stay the Course,
- Greg Morris
Copyright Greg Morris and Ministry Health 1998--All Rights Reserved
* Greg Morris Ministries WebSite is located
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